Posts By :

Paul Miller

Stethoscope on PC

The NeverDark PatMan Checkup

The NeverDark PatMan Checkup 1000 600 NeverDark

As a way of giving back to the arts and culture community, we’re proud to offer each organization attending the 2024 PatronManager Community Meeting our free PatMan Checkup! Here’s how…

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PatronManager Services

PatronManager Services 400 300 NeverDark

We’ve become experts in providing professional services for PatronManager users. Why? Because we’ve believed for years that PatronManager is the best system available for arts and culture organizations to sell…

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Five Things for PatronManager Users To Do Before Reopening

Five Things for PatronManager Users To Do Before Reopening 1000 561 NeverDark

Let’s face it, there are probably dozens of things you’re working on to get ready for reopening in a post-Covid world, and every organization we know is trying to accomplish…

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Experience Economy Book Cover

Meeting the Demands of the Experience Economy

Meeting the Demands of the Experience Economy 1089 1634 NeverDark

In a groundbreaking book published twenty years ago, two economists predicted, or at least presented, a theory that experiences would be the next transformational economic trend. They detailed how civilization…

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You Can’t Have a Pyramid Without a Base

You Can’t Have a Pyramid Without a Base 1200 657 NeverDark

The 2018 annual fundraising results are in, and there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that, despite changes to tax laws that we thought might negatively impact…

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