Spotlight, the NeverDark Blog

Enhancing the Visitor Experience: Making Museum and Gallery Visits More Engaging and Interactive 1600 900 NeverDark

Enhancing the Visitor Experience: Making Museum and Gallery Visits More Engaging and Interactive

Imagine walking into a museum or gallery and instantly feeling captivated by the exhibits, eager to explore every corner, and…

Attracting Generation X: How to Engage the Often Overlooked Arts Patrons 1600 900 NeverDark

Attracting Generation X: How to Engage the Often Overlooked Arts Patrons

Generation X (those born between 1965-1980) is often the “forgotten generation” when it comes to audience engagement. For years, Baby…

Use Storytelling to Share Your Nonprofit’s Impact 1600 900 NeverDark

Use Storytelling to Share Your Nonprofit’s Impact

In a world saturated with information and causes vying for attention, storytelling is the key to unlocking the emotional connection…

Transforming First-Time Ticket Buyers into Repeat Patrons 1600 900 NeverDark

Transforming First-Time Ticket Buyers into Repeat Patrons

Arts and culture organizations spend a lot of time and money developing marketing strategies that bring first-time ticket buyers in…

How to Engage with Your Community as an Arts Organization 1600 900 NeverDark

How to Engage with Your Community as an Arts Organization

As an arts organization, you have the power to enrich lives and bring people together through the beauty and inspiration…