Posts By :

Paul Miller

Website Screenshot

At last! It’s opening night!

At last! It’s opening night! 1348 768 NeverDark

We know how you feel–all that work and effort that goes into promoting yourself sometimes gets lost in the effort to actually do what you say you do. I remember from my days…

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Data Science for Dummies

Why marketers need to understand data science

Why marketers need to understand data science 1000 687 NeverDark

Yeah, yeah, I know. We marketers know that data is important, especially in the nonprofit sector where everything seems to hedge on things like audience demographics, patron experience, and donor…

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Effective Audience Building

Great guide to using research to build audiences

Great guide to using research to build audiences 939 435 NeverDark

If you haven’t seen this latest report from the Wallace Foundation, it would be well worth your time to read it and consider using some of these approaches when fall rolls…

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